Danzan Ryu is primarily an unarmed combat system that incorporates throws, joint locks, chokes, and strikes. Techniques are organized into three groups of lists of increasing complexity (Shoden, Chuden, and Okuden). Each list aggregates common techniques and principles, which are practiced as two person exercies referred to as kata.

Lists of the Fundamental Curriculum
Shoden - Beginning Teachings
Yawara - Techniques of Gentleness
Nage Te - Throwing Techniques
Shime Te - Constriction Techniques
Chuden - Intermediate Teachings
Oku No Te - Deeper Techniques
Kiai No Maki - Scroll of Spirit Shout Techniques
Tetsu-Sen, Tanto, Daito, Bo, Tanju Maki - Scroll of Iron Fan, Knife, Sword, Staff, Pistol Techniques
Okuden - Deep Teachings
Kappo - Resuscitation Techniques
Shinnin No Maki - Beginning Level Yudansha Techniques
Shinyo No Maki - Instructor Level Yudansha Techniques
Shingen No Maki - Professor Level Techniques
Additional Curriculum
Seifukujitsu - Healing Techniques
Goshin Jitsu - Self Defense Techniques
Keri Te, Uke Te, Atemi - Kicking, Blocking, Striking Techniques
Hanbo - Half Staff Techniques
Yawara Stick Courses
Police Courses

Yawara -- Techniques of Gentleness
[Shoden] Yawara demonstrates the principles of standing methods of grappling (i.e., joint manipulation & escapes from grabs).

Nage Te -- Throwing Techniques
[Shoden] Nage techniques demonstrate methods of throwing an opponent to the ground with minimal effort.

Shime Te -- Constriction Techniques
[Shoden] Shime techniques involve choking and ground grappling methods.

Goshin Jitsu -- Self Defense Techniques
[Chuden] Goshin Jitsu techniques are self defense techniques drawn from a series of self defense courses taught by Seishiro Okazaki.

Oku Te -- Deeper Techniques
[Chuden] Oku techniques combine elements of the Shoden techniques. Oku techniques are quite effective and require a skilled opponent in the art of falling for safe practice.

Shinnin No Maki -- Spirit Person Techniques
[Okuden] Shin refers to "that which is above" meaning that pactitioners of the Shinnin techniques are beginning a higher level of their martial training.